Additional Learning Support
If you would like additional learning support we have a dedicated team who can agree your tailored plan of support.
At Rotherham College we support students linked to a wide range of qualities including dyslexia, attention disorders, autistic spectrum conditions, mental health difficulties, medical conditions and people with physical or sensory requirements.
Our aim is to ensure we do everything we can to help you to make the most of your time at College and achieve in your studies.
Please discuss your needs with us at any point, either by calling us on 01709 722728, emailing or explaining your needs at your interview.
The College prides itself on the specialist expertise we have and we are also able to work closely with other learning support specialists to ensure students get the support they need to succeed. If in doubt, please ask.
For more information take a look at our Additional Learning Support booklet.
Additional Support Services
Our dedicated and specialist teams will support you by assessing your learning and educational needs and agreeing a support plan with you to help you make the most of your chosen learning opportunity. This may include adjustments to teaching, one to one support, workshops, smaller class sizes or assistive technology – whichever suits you best.
We also offer special arrangements for exams and assessments that mirror the support received throughout the course.
Contact us
Call: 01709 722728
Further Education:
Higher Education:
Further Education and Higher Education Additional Learning Support
Rotherham College
Eastwood Building
Eastwood Lane
S65 1EG