Unlock Your Potential

Unlock Your Potential – Study at Rotherham College

15 October 2021

We all have different ambitions, aspirations, and ideas of what we want to achieve. Different goals require different paths; we’re all on our own unique journeys. But there’s one thing that’s the same for all of us – we all need to unlock our potential to get to where we want to go in life.

So, how do you go about unlocking your potential? Here’s a handy top tip guide…

Know yourself

What do you dream of doing? What is it that excites you, and gives you energy? Something that, whilst you’re doing it, time seems to speed up…or you don’t even notice it! Knowing yourself and what you enjoy is the first step on your journey – and it couldn’t be more important. If you know what you enjoy, then keep reading! If you’re still unsure, then that’s okay – give this a read; it’s packed with plenty of nifty advice and how to discover what you want to do.

How to be Productive

Okay – you’ve pinpointed your passions and know what makes you rearing to go. That’s great! But with all this motivation can come worry. How are you using your time? Could you do anything differently to get to where you want to be? The more determined we are, the more time matters to us. The trick is to be productive.

Being productive means getting a lot ‘done’ all the time, right? Wrong! Let’s put that myth to bed right away. Different tasks require different amounts of time, and no two tasks are equally as important. First, you’ll need to understand how what you’re learning will benefit you. How will you use this in the world of work? What skills are you developing? Using this knowledge, you’ll then need to prioritise your time. If you have a week to do something, don’t simply try to do it fast as possible – your quality will suffer, and at the end of the day, you won’t have developed the skills needed to do something you can be proud of.

Being productive isn’t ticking off a list of to-dos, it’s achieving something that will make a positive impact. Those achievements feed themselves and fuel your future.

Keep at it

What about tasks further down on your priority list? The ones that might be less exciting? Unfortunately, no matter how much your dream career may thrill you, there will likely be little bits that don’t. That’s normal and shouldn’t be off-putting! The trick here: persistency is key. Don’t put things off (procrastinate). Our advice is, ironically, put off procrastinating! If you spend half the time doing something you were dreading, then it’s done and behind you.

Visualise your intent

Ever felt like you’ve lost or are losing sight of your confidence and aspirations? You’re not alone. The journey you take to what you want to achieve is long by design. It takes time to develop the skills that will help you in your dream job or career. This is a good thing; it means that you’ll understand how to navigate your chosen area of work when the time’s right.

But what about those nagging doubts? We often imagine the worst – it can be useful at times and helps us prepare for any difficulties. But it can take a turn and become self-doubt. Here’s our advice for whenever this happens – how much do you think about that one time someone made a small mistake? You’ll find it difficult because we don’t spend our time thinking about others’ mistakes – but we worry about what others may think of our own. How silly is that? There’s your reassurance; people don’t dwell on your mistakes so you shouldn’t let a fear of making one stop you.

Put your all into what you want, visualise your success in your mind and push for it. You do you.

How can we help?

We hope you found our tips to unlock your potential useful. With courses across a wide variety of subject areas, we offer you the chance to take the next step on your learning journey. What you’ll learn with us is what you’ll use – our courses are taught in fantastic facilities which mirror the world of work and are taught by terrific tutors in the know and full of passion. We offer comprehensive support services, including financial help, help with your studies, mental health and health and wellbeing support, a careers and employability hub and additional learning support. We have great transport links and run a student bus service.


Don’t just take our word for it, though. Read what our students have to say in our latest course guide!

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