
Adult Students – Return to Campus Testing

30 March 2021


The RNN Group is once again offering on site testing for students, appointments are available from 31st August 2021 to 5th September 2021, simply call 01709 722722 to book an appointment.

It is important that you firstly read this news post fully as consent will be required prior to attending for a test. You can of course, test from home if you prefer, kits are available to take away from all College receptions.


UPDATED 18th May 2021

Covid home testing kits are available to all students who wish to access them, kits are available to take away from all College receptions. Just remember to show your name badge when collecting.


30th March 2021

The RNN Group have been providing a COVID-19 lateral flow testing programme since Thursday 4th March 2021 for all students returning to campus. Moving forward, as students become competent, they have transferred to a home-based testing solution (as is the current direction of the UK Government).

For adult students aged 19+ returning from Monday 12th April 2021, a home testing solution will be made available immediately, with guidance given if required. Students who do not wish to start home testing straight away can, of course, attend any of our testing sites (when they are open) to perform a test.

Any adult students who wish to start home testing prior to their return date i.e. with immediate effect, simply need to present their ID badge to reception staff and they will be issued with a test kit accordingly.

Subsequent testing kits can also be collected at any of the Group’s main college sites, students will simply have to show their ID badge to obtain further tests.

For students who wish to book a test on-site, they will need to complete a consent form and phone the number below to book an appointment. Please note, consent is only required for testing on-site. RNN Group consent formTesting site bookings can be made on 01709 722722.

This testing programme is for people with no symptoms. If anyone develops symptoms at any time (such as a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste) they must immediately self-isolate, and book a test by calling 119 or visiting

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