Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)
Statement of expectation
Everyone deserves a fair start in life and our Colleges (Rotherham College, North Notts College and Dearne Valley College) are committed to giving every learner the opportunity to reach their full potential. Education plays a critical role in achieving this.
All families need extra help from time to time. For children and young people who have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND), different levels of support are required at different times. Children and young people with the most complex needs and their parents and carers may need access to ongoing support and advice.
Contact us
Clare Malik
Interim SEND and High Needs Manager
01709 722726 | cmalik@rnngroup.ac.uk
Additional Learning Support
Whilst for most children, young people and parents, education and learning is a positive and enjoyable experience and opens up opportunities for life; some parents may have anxieties about it, particularly if their son or daughter has a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND).
All children and young people have the right to the highest standard of education and the widest variety of opportunities to develop academic, personal and social skills. To make the most of the educational opportunities available and to maximise their progress, some children and young people may need additional help or support.
Find out more about the additional learning support that we offer
Named person responsible for SEND will:
- Oversee the day-to-day operation of the College’s SEND policy
- Jointly co-ordinate provision for learners with SEND in consultation with SEND Curriculum Managers
- Liaise with designated tutors where a looked after Child has SEND
- Identify a contact to liaise with parents of children with SEND
- Identify a contact to link with other education settings and outside agencies
- Jointly ensure that SEND records are up-to-date in consultation with FLEX Curriculum Managers
- Monitor and track the progress of SEND children and young people
Getting the right support
All colleges have the same duties towards special educational needs and disabilities and are expected to provide support for children and young people who have additional needs. These duties come from the Children and Families Act 2014 and the national SEND Code of Practice. Read our SEND Policy here.
Embedded in College strategies, policies, practice and procedures all staff are committed to:
- Focus on the quality of teaching for all learners and develop different approaches to meet the needs of individual learners
- Identify learners with special educational needs quickly and accurately so that support can be put in place
- Meet their Equality Act duties for children and young people with disabilities
- Meet the needs and objectives identified in an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for children and young people with additional needs
- Have a regularly reviewed special educational needs and disabilities policy, which is available to all parents of children and young people with additional special educational needs
- Work in partnership with children, young people and their parents
- Delegate resources fairly, efficiently and in response to identified need
- Set out the support and provision provided for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
- Identify a named person responsible for SEND
Learners can benefit from:
- Extra support in classes
- One-to-one support with assignments
- Assistive technology to support with independent learning
We can also offer:
- Specialist support and personal care (including help at mealtimes) for learners with disabilities
- Sensory support for students with hearing or sight impairment
- Specialist support for students with dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
- Support for students living with medical conditions, emotional or behavioural difficulties or autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Mobility support
- Special arrangements for exams and assessments
Support staff will:
- Support the inclusion of all learners, ensuring they have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop
- Have an in-depth knowledge of all the learners with SEND needs in class, including barriers to learning and targets set
Mentoring and counselling
Sometimes it can be a challenge not to let personal or college worries get in the way of studies. To help you through any difficulties, our Health and Wellbeing Team offer confidential support.
Additional support available
We want every learner to achieve their full potential, so we offer additional support tailored to help with individual personal or learning needs.
Safeguarding for all
It goes without saying that College is committed to providing a safe environment for all students. If ever you have concerns about anything to do with college life, learners or parents/carers can speak to their named contact, the linked course team leaders or a member of academic staff or Student Services.
Read our Safeguarding for All policy
Access to careers information, advice and guidance
Learners and their parents/carers will be able to arrange a personal guidance interview with a qualified careers adviser, this will be tailored to meet individual needs and to discuss appropriate career pathways.
To find out about your local offer: resources, services, support, activities and events for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), click on your relevant council’s website below: